The famous words of Ruud Lubbers still echo: 'The Netherlands is sick'. As a result of a series of reforms, absenteeism and the inflow into incapacity for work subsequently fell sharply (by about half). The good elements of these reforms guarantee continued success.
Insurers advise the formateur to implement the advice of the Labour Foundation (StAr) regarding a basic protection that is mandatory for self-employed persons. As well as the 2018 agreement on continued payment of wages (with the introduction of absenteeism-unburdening insurance as part of it). Good reintegration is in the interest of employees, employers and society as a whole. If absenteeism is as low as possible and reintegration is successful, this will result in major financial benefits for companies.
The possible collectivization of the second year of continued payment of wages will undermine that. A collectively performed second year of illness leads to higher implementation costs, higher costs for employers and a higher risk for employees to become incapacitated for work. Employers, especially small ones, can be helped when reintegration responsibilities become easier.
Election debate 2021
An election debate was held on the subject of illness and reintegration in the run-up to the formation. Missed this debate, but do you want to know what political parties, MKB-Nederland and OVAL say about this? Read the report or watch the compilation (video).