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Advisor Jochem van Stiphout: "We are far from finished in Europe"

"The Dutch Association of Insurers has an impact in Brussels. On issues such as Solvency II and the AI Regulation , we have made our voice heard emphatically. That helps. And that's why it's important that we stay committed. There is a lot going on in Europe and much more to come. We're not done yet!"

5 questions about copper theft

Copper theft is on the rise. On the railways, but copper cables are also disappearing more and more from parks with solar panels. The copper price remains high for the time being, so the question arises: what can you do to prevent theft and other misery? Senior Risk Engineer Rob van Nierop (HDI) answers five questions.

Klaas Knot: "The foundation of our economy is rock solid"

"The waves of the economic cycle come and go. All insurers can do is learn to surf. And pay close attention to the color of the flags on the beach." This is what Klaas Knot, President of DNB (De Nederlandsche Bank), said during the Association Day 2023 that the Association organised yesterday.



The Association in Europe

Many laws and regulations that are relevant to insurers come from the European Union. Read more about the activities the Association undertakes in Europe.